3 QUICK Tips on How to Get Out of a RUT


Successful people have GREAT habits that they do everyday.  Sometimes we get lazy and need to change.  Here are three ideas to help propel you back on a successful road:


  1. WHY – why do you want to change?  (If you don’t know your “why” – if it is not strong enough – your change(s) won’t last.  You have to want to change bad enough – the pain of not changing has to be great enough to make you want to move out.)
  2. WHAT – what are you going to change?  (If you can JUST focus on ONE thing at a time your chances of succes are MUCH greater!)  Write down your top 3 things you want to change and then work on the EASIEST one first – that way you can create some success and momentum.
  3. HOW – get in your mind the route you are going to take.  WRITE it down.  KEEP it in front of you.  GO for it!

 Personal Growth

I love to hear your stories….

How To Win Friends and Influence People – My Story

Win Friends and Influence People

I remember EXACTLY when the “lights” went on for me when it comes to personal relationships.

I picked up the book by Dale Carnegie – “How to Win Friends and Influence People.

IF you stay with me on this…my story might be a little like yours…

Or at least it can give you HOPE if you have ever thought that “I am not a People Person”.


I was a chemistry major in college and had just earned my Ph.D. in chemistry when I was walking through a bookstore (which I NEVER did – because I was not a reader) and a paperback book, which was on display for some reason, caught my eye.  We had just moved to Philadelphia as I was starting a Post-doctoral internship with the USDA, when this life changing event occurred.

A series of “events” happened to me within a very short period of time that has forever altered the way I think and go about my personal relationships.  First – my boss at the USDA just came out and told me one day:  “John, it doesn’t matter what you know – it’s who you know from here on out!”  Second – I was introduced to the Amway business…more on that later (NO!  I am long gone from that – but I want to share some stuff that I learned.)  Third – my encounter with the How to Win Friends book.

How to Win Friends and Influence People


First – let me say that I am not made out of the “Chemist” mold from a personality standpoint!  People to this day look at me and say “You have a doctorate in Chemistry?”  I am a people person at heart and am more sociable than not.  The stereotypical eccentric chemist, I am not.  So, when my boss at the USDA told me it was not WHAT I know – but WHO I know from here on out – well – I was psyched!  I can do WHO I know alot better than the WHAT I know any day!

Then I came across Win Friends and Influence People book in the book store and I IMMEDIATELY picked it up.  I was not a book aficionado by any stretch of the imagination!  This book looked very old school to me.  I kinda knew who Dale Carnegie was, but not really.  It didnt take me long, however, while flipping through the book to decide that this was the book for me!  Small paperback book – not much $ – so I bought it.

I could not put the book down!

Mesmerized by all of the “common sense” people skills stuff that I had not been taught or even heard about before!



Just so happens that one of the books that the Amway people recommend you read up front is the How to Win Friends book!  I am like – wow!  I must be on to something here!  Since network marketing is all about relationships and meeting new people, I was now surrounded with people that understood how these people skills worked…I was learning a TON!  Loved it!  I was soaking it all up.  I was also learning sales techniques, prospecting techniques, phone skills, and presentation skills that were all LIFE SKILLS I needed to learn!

Just so happens that ALL of these skills were to be very important later on when I started my current business!

Business Networking


When we bought our first home, I was exposed to all the different real estate inspections that I could have done as a contingency to us buying the home.  I was making sure that I was not buying a lemon.  During this process, our Realtor told me about these new Federal Lead-Based Paint laws that were going to kick in and that I should look in to getting into that business since so many houses have lead-based paint.


UNTIL – the very next Sunday in the Real Estate Section of the newspaper was a full 2-page article written about the new laws.

I very quickly called my best buddy who had an MBA and told him that I had a business idea and that I needed to know how to do some market research.  (Chemistry geeks don’t know how to do market research!)  He came over to the house and I showed him the newspaper article – which had pictures of a guy using this Star Wars looking lead gun to measure the lead in the paint.

He thought it was a great idea and that he would start immediately on the market research.   We were going to be business partners.

LONG story cut short – he ended up getting laid off and had to take a job on commission so he was out…it was just going to be me.

…On the evenings and weekends…WITH a new baby girl at home!

The idea stayed on the back burner for 2 more years.

Until I finally decided to pull the string – I quit my job – moved in with my parents – and that is now 18 years later!

Business Networking


NOW – I wasn’t a Science Geek any more!

I was a business ownerFIGHTING FOR MY INCOME!

Networking is the cheapest form of advertising.

So – I went out there and started meeting people that I knew and meeting people that the people I knew knew…etc., etc.  In the first 9 months I was able to network my way into 100 real estate offices to give sales presentations and educate people about lead-based paint.

Meeting people was now my bread and butter…

I would not have made it in this business WITHOUT people skills.

How has your people skills given you an advantage?

5 Communication Skills – They Didn’t Teach You This – Part 2

5 Communication Skills – They Didn’t Teach You This!

Communication Skills Are Needed to Direct

Communication Skills

This is PART 2 of a series on Communication Skills.  You may want to check out Part 1 from an earlier Post.

Great Communicators are successful in life.

Why is that?

1.  Communication Skills are needed to direct.

2.  Communication Skills are needed to re-direct.

3.  Communication Skills are needed to invigorate.

4.  Communication Skills are needed to unite.

5.  Communication Skills are needed to ignite.

I am going to share some thoughts on

#1:  Communication Skills are needed to direct.

Communication Skills

Great communicators know what direction to take.

Let’s face it…we are drawn to people who know what path they are on and know where they are going.

It doesn’t matter that they are on a completely different path than us…but we LOVE people who are GOING SOMEWHERE!


They see the big picture more clearly.

It enhances the way they interact with those around them because they see them “in context”.

Communication Skills


They are glad to offer guidance – in a GOOD way – NOT a pushy way.


Someone who has a distinct path they are on have a vision of the world that is unlike any other!

Communication Skills


When you have a path & vision – everything else in life falls in line and has its’ place.

Communicators seem to be able to help others put things in perspective.


When you know where you are going and how you are going to get there – there is clarity to life.

Great communicators create


OK – so all this is good to know…what can you do to communicate BETTER?

FIRST – you have to KNOW where YOU are going!

Have you ever thought about that before?

Do you have a CLEAR vision of your direction?

If not, It may just mean that you need better FOCUS.

More about that in a future post!

So, sit down with your journal and pen and think.

Think freely.

Think wildly.

…about where you want to go.

Then –

write down your plan.


What are your thoughts on this?